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Kelton Osborn

Truss 16x6x2, wood, graphite.jpg

Thresher 31x13x11, lathe, walnut, steel rods.jpg

Char 30x16x7, lathe, bent plywood, charred wood.jpg

Truss 16x6x2, wood, graphite.jpg

Kelton Osborn
Several of my recent pieces have evolved from memories of my early childhood experiences visiting my father's Botany lab. I had many experiences viewing items under the microscope and "assisting" my dad preparing plant specimens utilizing the plant press.
Often times I would tag-along on field studies with the students, gathering plants and sketching. For me, this was my introduction to the lifelong process of discovery. I have managed to incorporate this method into my own form of research and exploration with my paintings and sculpture in this series.
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