Michael Warren Contemporary (MWC) is pleased to present “Vistas Comunes: de los Andes a las Rocallosas” an exhibit of ceramic works by five Coloradan artists and five Chilean artists. Eight Colorado-based artists initially gathered in 2018 for a residency at the prestigious Red Lodge Clay Center in Red Lodge, Montana. They have subsequently exhibited together and pursued additional residency opportunities, including working at the Centro de Arte Curaumilla, where they expanded their cohort to include artists from Chile. The artists conceived of this exhibit as an opportunity to showcase the connections established through their clay-working practice.
We will be exhibiting work by five Colorado-based artists and five Chilean artists: Bárbara Bravo (Concepcíon, CL), K Rhynus Cesark (Carbondale, CO), Andrea Gordon (Denver, CO), Clemente McKay (Santiago, CL), Sara Ransford (Carbondale, CO), Vivian Rosa (Santiago,CL), Pelusa Rosenthal (Santiago, CL), Martha Russo (Ward, CO), Tina Suszynski (Greenwood Village,CO), and Milena Vodanovic (Santiago, CL).
The work will include functional pottery, fine art and ancillary prints. We will have a variety of programming including the reception, artist talks and demonstrations. We are excited to explore the cross-cultural exchange among these career artists and to shine a light on the international reach achieved by the group. The symbiotic relationship with the residencies is critical to their success while the artists, in turn, support and promote the art centers, like Centro de Arte Curaumilla.